

  1. Automation nodes; Hardware: Espressif ESP modules (code name: Nucleus nodes)
  2. Android application to manage and control Nucleus nodes (code name - NucleusX)
  3. Particle Photon: IOT Gateway


  1. Scheduling Board - Google apps script (GAS) based multi-variable scheduling engine to optimally allocate resources. Developed as a concept for Clinica Family Health, Boulder.
  2. Home automation web client on Raspberry Pi
  3. Universal Encoder Testing Device - PIC18F based (Microchip C) testing & analysis device for rotary incremental encoders, Cornell University.
  4. DC voltage monitoring algorithm - measurement and analysis of ripples present in the output of DC power supply. Implementation on PIC18F Microchip microcontroller.
  5. Hardware and software development for PIC18 based power factor controller using wave angle measurement algorithm.

Papers and Publishing

  1. Scalar and vectoral controls for a composite 2-drive robotic vehicular mechanism, July 2018, Independent.
  2. Android application to manage and control Nucleus nodes (code name - NucleusX)